We have so much to be grateful for... our homes, our family, our friends, and our talents. The purpose and journey of CoopDecor is not about money or profits or fame. It is not about how many homes we can redesign or pieces of furniture we sell. Our purpose is to shine our light, share our talents, and help others. Our purpose is to dream big and work hard everyday to make it all happen. Our purpose is to bring out the best in others through home design, community support, and individual growth.
...To put smiles on faces everyday.
Thankful... Moxie...Peace... Illumination
Serving Others...
1 Peter 4:10.
Every believer has received grace gifts,
so use them to serve one another as faithful stewards ...
Shine Your Unique Light to Others...
Psalm 119:105
Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet and Light Unto My Path ...
Matthew 5:16
Let your light shine before men, that. they may see your good works, and. glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Simply CoopDecor... "Decorating Coops from the Inside Out..."
...family, friends, and community working together to better ourselves and help all those around us.
It takes being grateful for all the big and small things we have in our lives and trying our best in all that we do to create the peace we all are striving for...
which then allows us to shine our brightest light into the lives of others.
Our CoopDecor TMPI...
Wake up every morning being THANKFUL...
Have MOXIE in all you do...
Creating the PEACE we all desire...
Ultimately providing ILLUMINATION as a beacon for others to follow...
Simply CoopDecor... "Decorating Coops from the Inside Out..."
Lindy and Angie...best friends and sister-in-laws